Improve the quality of your product master data with Dynamics 365
Strong product master data is your shortcut to success
Poor quality product master data can be an invisible obstacle to your business success without you even realizing it. It can cost you orders and hinder your business's growth. Axcite Product Management provides structured, user-friendly tools to ensure that your master data will always be of the highest quality. This is your guarantee that the quality of items you create or maintain over time will be high.
What Axcite Product Management can do for you
The module ensures a much higher quality of master data by using a clear, unchangeable structure to manage the master data, which not only provides a better overview, it also makes it easier to manage. Managing master data needs to be – and can be easy.
The tangible benefits you'll enjoy
Axcite Product Management gives you a strong tool to help you structure and manage your master data in a very user-friendly way.
Your benefits include:
For the Production Manager it means:
Solution to a complex problem: Axcite Product Management makes sure you have your product master data under control.
Automation: Defined field values filled out automatically on release of the product.
Product life cycle: Ensures that the other fields are also entered prior to release.
User-friendly system: You can be confident your employees can work out how to use the system.
Simple solution: Your employees only have to fill out two fields.
For the Production Worker it means:
Easier procedures: You only have to worry about two fields.
Time saving: Updating master data becomes a much simpler task.
Greater security: The system prevents you making mistakes in pressured situations.
Other valuable add-on solutions for optimizing your supply chain
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